Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Human Body System

Human Body System

What is a human body system?

  • A system of human body means a collective functional unit made by several organs in which the organs work in complete coordination with one another.
  • Organs cannot work alone because their are certain needs of every organ that need to be fulfilled and the organ itself cannot fulfill those needs. 
  • So all organs of human body need the support of other organs to perform their functions and in this way an organ system is formed.


Systems of the Human Body:

  • Human body is made of ten different systems.
  • All the systems require support and coordination of other systems to form a living and healthy human body.
  • If any one of these systems is damaged, human body will become unstable and this lack of stability will ultimately lead to death.
  • The instability caused by damage of one system cannot be stabilized by other systems because functions of one system cannot be performed by other systems.
  • Knowledge of human body systems is very important for a medical professional because it is the base of all medical sciences and clinical practices.
  • Although, generally, the structural aspects of human body systems are studied in anatomy and the functional aspects are studied in physiology but it is very important to have a coordination between the two subjects because knowledge of structure is incomplete without the knowledge of function and the knowledge of function is incomplete without the knowledge of structure.

A brief introduction to all the systems of human body is given in the table below.

Skeletal System
Bones, Associated cartilages, Joints
Strength, Support, Shape, Protection, Leverage, Cell Production
Muscular System
Muscles (Skeletal Muscles, Smooth mucles, Cardiac Muscles)
Motor power for movements of body parts.
Nervous System
Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves, Nerve Endings
Control and Coordination of all body functions (Nervous coordination)
Respiratory System
Lungs, Nose, Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Alveolar sacs, Alveoli
Gaseou exchange
Cardiovascular System
Heart, Blood vessels (Arteries, Veins and Capillaries), Blood
Flow of blood (and nutrients) throughout body
Lymphatic System
Lymph vessels, Central lymphoid tissue, Peripheral Lymphoid Organs, Lymphocytes
Drainage and Protection
Endocrine System
Endocrine glands (Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Parathyroid glands, Adrenal glands, Pancreas (endocrine part), Testes (endocrine part), Ovary (endocrine part), Liver (endocrine part))
Regulation of body functions (Chemical coordination)
Digestive System
Alimentary Canal (Oral Cavity, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Anus), Liver, Pancreas, Salivary glands, Teeth, Tongue
Digestion and absorption of food
Urinary System
Kidneys, Ureters, Urinary bladder, Urethra
Regulation of body’s internal environment, and production and excretion of urine
Male Reproductive System
Penis, Testes
Formation of sperms and semen, and fertilizing the female
Female Reproductive System
Uterus, Ovaries, Vulva, Labia, Clitoris
Formation of eggs and bearing the fetus during development

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